The strength of the duo Felix Charlebois and Hossein Yehia lies in their ability to mobilize a solid network of contacts and professional connections related to all spheres of real estate in order to best serve their clients.
Felix Charlebois and Hossein Yehia began their careers selling multiple new condo projects in Montreal before combining their expertise to meet the specific needs of their large clientele.
Over the years, they have acquired a remarkable experience due to several real estate investments and now hold income properties, condos, in addition to holding a lot of remarkable renovation and new construction projects.
Felix Charlebois and Hossein Yehia highly value the human relationship established with their clientele, since the last few years, and wish to continue to put their professional background to good use in each of their business transactions.
The signature of the Charlebois-Yehia duo is service.
Felix is a true real estate enthusiast. Through his real estate investments in income properties, condominiums, renovation projects and new construction, he has acquired an essential experience that he applies in his profession as a residential real estate broker.
Starting his career in the complete sale of new condo projects in downtown Montreal, he had the chance to hone his knowledge of the complexities surrounding condominiums in Quebec.
With the satisfaction of its customers at heart, through its listening, professionalism and availability, Felix has now accumulated more than 185 real estate transactions since its debut in September 2016.
Contact him and rest assured that you will be in good hands for a most enjoyable experience.
Hoss Yehia was born and raised in Montreal; he is the perfect mix of culture of the 2nd generation. Coming from a family of lebanese merchant , the contact with the business world from an early age has helped him reach an expertise in customer service and sales. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from HEC Montreal.
He is a dynamic, passionate and organized person. Speaking French, English, Arabic and gossiping words in many other languages he has an excellent ability to communicate no matter who he is talking to; an essential asset in such a multicultural environment like Montreal.
With his considerable experience in real estate, he knows how to instill confidence and guide you to the best choice for your transactions.
We are equipped to meet all of your needs and we rely on the quality of our business network to ensure that the client gets peace of mind. With our team, you get the assurance of being listened to and served by trusted professionals.
Our team uses advanced tools on a daily basis to serve our clients. The Charlebois-Yehia team proposes to use the flexibility of technology in order to efficiently settle the purchase or sale of your property. We are always on the lookout for technological advances and know that your time is precious.